Publisher: Universitas Udayana (Total: 72 journals) [] Showing 1 - 72 of 72 Journals sorted alphabetically ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 5) ( Followers: 3) ( Followers: 2) ( Followers: 3) ( Followers: 7) ( Followers: 8) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 2) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 2) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 2) ( Followers: 6) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 1) ( Followers: 3). Number of Followers: 0 Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 1412-0925 Published by • • Authors: C.G.I. Partha, I.W.A. Wijaya, I.G.N. Janardana, I.N. Budiastra, A. Frederika First page: 7 Abstract: Fire often occurs due to electricity problem.
Fire is frequently caused by poor electricity installation, where in most incidences, short circuit is the trigger. Cable is an example of electrical devices that is susceptible to short circuit. Usage of cable that is not compatible with its rule causes the burning of the coating of the cable wrapper. Nowadays, installations of devices that do not satisfy the electricity rule are excessively seen in public places. Insufficient usage of duct tape, usage of plastic to isolate cable, usage of old cable, and usage of electrical socket that is out of its capacity are some issues related to fire triggers. Due to these information, early and good information for society related to fire detection is highly required.
Aug 13, 2018 - Seleksi TIAP Sekolah Daerah dan sudah Moulay dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret dan Akan berakhir pada Bulan Agustus 2018. Soal ujian seleksi calon peserta olimpiade sains nasional 2014 tingkat provinsi waktu: 200 menit kementerian pendidikan dan kebudayaan direktorat jenderal pendidikan menengah direktorat pembinaan sekolah menengah atas tahun 2014 bidang biologi hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang.
To answer the aforementioned problem, we have conducted a public service program. In this program, a training related to the basic of electricity devices installation is given.
Through this training, society will care with the risks that are caused by electricity to peoples and environment. PubDate: 2018-01-23 • • Authors: NPG Suardana, IGN Janardana, IWY Swara Pages: 12 - 19 Abstract: Micro business of traditional palm oil is still run by some families in Banjar Pagutan Banjarangkan Village, Banjarangkan District, Klungkung Regency–Bali.
This business is a traditional business which has been run through generations with standardized method. Although this oil has been replaced by modern industrial-made oils and the price is cheaper, but this product has specific customers, the Balinese rice sellers who need it to cook savory food with typical aroma. The product is marketed around Banjarangkan Village.
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