A real mistery I always run into things (originals of course) which are hardly identifiable Hardly a mystery. Pre 1939 Busch Dienstglas. Many other makers (almost all) out there don't have a break down by year, so there are thousands of these perfectly identifiable 'mystery' items out there. Download disciplina inteligente vidal schmill pdf editor free. Also many good lists of Dienstglas that have been tabulated by collectors that can give you an idea of time of production.
Yes, the cases are mostly era specific, bakelite being later. Interesting you should mention 'different squads,' Busch are also the only maker I can remember that holds the distinction of some very interesting (fantasy item?) RZM SS marked Diesntglas, which I for one will just assume they are fakes. Link to thread posted below. Thank you for the list! Carlos do carmo youtube. I've already seen this. I'm not a binocular expert, so I meant the 'different squad' by mountain troops, drivers etc, it was just some kind of 'idea'. The RZM SS marked Diesntglas that you showed me it's fake definately.
Nazi code is DDX. With a triangle behind. Also stamped DIENSTGLAS. 6x30 – serial number 338821. This is a fantastic pair of field glasses. Right Plate: Dienstglas 6x30 - 'Service Glass'. 101857 - serial number. H/6400 - refers to the graticule's (targeting reticule built into the optics).
It's the same kind of model like mine WITHOUT those fake markings, a later one in aluminium, the serial number is way over than mine's. Furthermore, mine hasn't got the Rathenow word on it, but it doesn't mean nothing.
I accept now then it's a pre 1939 model somewehere in the 30's.