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I saw the 3D version of the film, which didn't really add much to the overall spectacle, mostly because, I think, in trying to make it available in both 2D and 3D, they've not used 3D to its fullest extent. Other than that, the film was just there.
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It had entertaining moments, the car chase especially, but that was about it. Plus, every time there was a 'moral moment', the whole thing slowed down so badly. I don't know if it's just me misremembering things but the kiddie films of my childhood either didn't have moral moments or managed to camouflage them into the story better. The voice acting was good, even if I know that Sam Rockwell can do way better than that.
Trying to figure who the hamster was drove me crazy, and I shall now hang my head in shame for not catching that it was Steve Buscemi. Nicholas Cage does a bang up job as Speckles, and now that I know it's him, I can see how they've animated the character to fit his acting ticks.
Toward the end of the 19th century, Allen Walker officially joins the organization of Exorcists that destroy the beings known as Akuma; mechanic weapons made by the Millennium Earl with the suffering souls of the dead. Allen has both a cursed eye and an anti-Akuma weapon as an arm, bearing the power of “Innocence,” a gift given to him as an apostle of God. Allen, along with his fellow Exorcists must put a stop to the Millennium Earl’s ultimate plot that could lead to the destruction of the world and all who live on it.