Wafers of commercial p-type conductivity silicon doped with boron (111), n-type conductivity silicon doped with phosphorus (100) have been under research with a layer of intrinsical silicon oxide having the thickness equal to several 10 s of nanometers and SiO2 layer thickness from 120 to 300 nm grown by thermal oxidation method.
Organism Test Type Route Reported Dose (Normalized Dose) Effect Source rabbit LD skin > 2gm/kg (2000mg/kg) Acute Toxicity Data. Journal of the American College of Toxicology, Part B. Rat LC inhalation > 5gm/m3/4H (5000mg/m3) Acute Toxicity Data. Journal of the American College of Toxicology, Part B. Rat LD oral > 5gm/kg (5000mg/kg) BEHAVIORAL: SOMNOLENCE (GENERAL DEPRESSED ACTIVITY) GASTROINTESTINAL: 'HYPERMOTILITY, DIARRHEA' Acute Toxicity Data. Journal of the American College of Toxicology, Part B.
Similar words: (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) se South-east noun yugo-vostok se Standard Edition, standartnaya redakciya (versiya programmnogo produkta) seAC Name of first computer to u se transistors, built by Standard Eastern Automating Computing seATO South-East Asia Treaty Organization noun hist. Organizaciya dogovora Yugo-Vostochnoi Azii, SEATO seCAM sequential Color And Memory seD Stream Editor seI Software Engineering Institute noun institut tehniki programmnogo obespecheniya seL select seL Software Engineering Laboratory noun laboratoriya po tehnike programmnogo obespecheniya seM Scanning Electron Microscope noun skaniruyushii elektronnyi mikroskop seM Standard Electronic Module seS 1> (_sokr. Ot socioeconomic status) SEP, social'no-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie _Ex: the low seS child rebenok iz nizshei social'no-ekonomicheskoi gruppy seTI 1> (_sokr. Ot search for extraterrestrial intelligence) programma poiska vnezemnogo razuma seU Smallest Executable Unit sea Lord 1> lord admiralteistva seabee 1> _mor. (sudno-)lihterovoz 2> _am.
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Sekretar' second Advent 1> _rel. Vtoroe prishestvie (Hrista) second Coming 1> _rel. Vtoroe prishestvie (Hrista) second World 1> _nesovr. Vtoroi mir, industrial'nye strany mira (za isklyucheniem SSSR i SShA) 2> _polit.
Vtoroi mir, socialisticheskie strany second World War 1> vtoraya mirovaya voina secretary of State 1> ministr, vozglavlyayushii odno iz semi ministerstv (v Anglii), gosudarstvennyi sekretar', ministr inostrannyh del (v SShA) secretary of the Interior 1> ministr vnutrennih del (v SShA) secretary to the Treasury 1> ministr finansov SShA secretary-General 1> general'nyi sekretar' _Ex: U.N. Secretary-General general'nyi sekretar' OON section Eight 1> _am. Uvol'nenie iz armii za neprigodnost'yu (v svyazi s nedisciplinirovannost'yu, nedostoinym povedeniem i t. P.) 2> uvolennyi iz armii s lisheniem privilegii securities and exchange Commission seC 1> Komissiya po cennym bumagam i birzhe (SShA) security Council 1> Sovet Bezopasnosti (OON) security Council 1> Sovet Bezopasnosti (OON) security service 1> sluzhba bezopasnosti seder 1> _dr-evr.
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