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• • Regiis cremari ______________________🦅______________________ Its documentation in the hieroglyphs and ancient carvings was fortunate, otherwise we wouldn't know of its existence today.. Deshret was the name of the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and desert Red Land of the ancient egyptian kingdom. The mythology tells that the falcon god Horus ruled on the lower egypt and the crown was worn by the pharaohs to symbolize their power over the land as well as to confirm their heritage from the Gods themselves.. The crown was most likely woven as a basket by straws like grass or palm leafs and coloured red. No crown has survived to this day and the fact that none was found even in the most intact graves implies that it was passed from king to king, like modern monarchy.
Later as the lower kingdom and the upper combined together also the crowns of them two would be combined, the red and the white, the Hedjet, as a symbol of the entire kingdom of Egypt and made the Pschent, the double crown. Carvings of the protective serpent Goddess Wadjet shows the named wearing the Pschent..

The Deshret however was later used as the vertical letter N in the hieroglyph alphabet. The crown itself was shaped semi-crescent from profile and high pointy at the back.
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On the front was a curly thread symbolizing the trunk of a honeybee. The shape of the Deshret has inspired to the characteristic caps of Xerjoffs perfume flacons. ______________________☀️______________________ • 64 5 1 hour ago.