Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The Squad Dlc Bat

Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The Squad Dlc Bat

Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The Squad Dlc Bat Rating: 3,5/5 544 reviews

The Squad DLC pack story mode level in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. This is currently available on Xbox One and should be on the remaining platforms (except Wii U and handheld) sometime on 3/3/15. The characters included in this pack are: Amanda Waller, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Deathstroke, El Diablo, King Shark, Harley Quinn & Katana. Below are my links to playlists for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Playlist (Xbox One/PS4): LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (PS Vita/3DS) 100% Playlist: If you are looking for a 100% free play guide for this DLC pack, the link is below. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - The Squad DLC 100% Guide.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham DLC: Rainbow Character Pack Jan 21, 2015 Rainbow Batman’s costume, armed with an array of Bat-Gadgets, is so bright! Rainbow Raider is an artist turned evil who projects beams of brilliant light to seriously damage heroes. Mar 04, 2015  LEGO BATMAN 3 - The Squad DLC Pack - Squad Level Gameplay Blitzwinger. LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham - 1966 Bonus Mission - Same Bat-time! LEGO BATMAN 3 - DLC THE SQUAD Level & Characters!

Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The Squad Dlc Bat

Contents • • • • Walkthrough [ ] The prison has initiated a lockdown procedure, so you'll need to force your way out. There are a lot of unruly prisoners out of their cells, so be ready to fight them off as you progress through the levels.

Go left to the computer terminal and use Deadshot's super senses to reveal the control panel. Operate the terminal with Deadshot to start a simple memory game. Make a mental note of the sequence of colors displayed, then recreate the order of the colors afterward. Doing so unlocks some cells full of inmates, including Harley Quinn who will join your party. Use Harley Quinn's giant hammer to bring down the back wall of the middle cell, revealing a set of wall-jump tiles. Wall jump your way up to the second floor and take out the hostile prisoners. Move right and destroy the desk and cabinets to get loose pieces.

Assemble the pieces into a lever, then pull the lever to unlock a barricade below, letting the rest of The Squad join you upstairs. Use super senses to detect metal hinges on the iron bars, then blow the hinges up with Captain Boomerang to create a way out. Download picmix for my blackberry phone number. Out in the basketball court, King Shark seems to be tunneling underground. He will join the rest of the squad, so use his brute strength to crush prisoners and smash the objects lying about.

In particular, you must grab the heavy barbell on the ground and toss it at the basket, destroying both objects at once. Harley Quinn can help by swinging on to the large crate using the poles, then smashing the crate apart from above. Use El Diablo's stream of fire to melt the tire-holders, then have Captain Boomerang destroy the metal exercise machines. Use all the loose parts to build a large weight rack. Pull on the rack with a grapple to tip it over, causing it to open a hole in the ground.

It looks like the intruder did some damage underground. There is a wide electric field you can't get past, but luckily you have an ally in Deathstroke, who is on the other side of the debris. Destroy the blue machines at the corner and use the resulting pieces to build a lever.

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Pull on the lever to overload the electricity generator, causing it to fail and starting the auxiliary power. Blow up the metal frame with Captain Boomerang, then assemble a fire extinguisher from the debris to put out the fires behind the counter. Use super senses in front of the computer to detect a control panel, then operate the panel to initiate the same game from before.

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Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham The Squad Dlc Bat
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