Lakewood 5500 Heater Manual

Lakewood 5500 Heater Manual

Lakewood 5500 Heater Manual Rating: 3,1/5 6937 reviews

The water heater manual, however, does not specify how frequently this needs to be done. The manual simply suggests that, 'At least annually, a visual inspection should be made of the venting.

Lakewood 5500 Oil Filled Heater--review I purchased a Lakewood 5500 in 2007 at a local retail outlet. Its purpose was, and is, to keep a rehearsal room dry and warm through our sub-zero winters.

It works great! Over the past thirty years, I have used both fan forced radiant and convection type electric heaters, and this unit has a couple of key features for me. There is no motor to burn up or create RF waves which create havoc for electronics. Also, since the heating element is submersed in the oil, it won't overheat (as it could) if a fan motor goes out. The main reason I bought the first unit was that it was Made In USA. The same goes with the one I just purchased on E-bay, but with a sad caveat; the Lakewood Engineering and Manufacturing Company filed for bankruptcy in Feb. Their factory in Chicago was auctioned off thi s past November.

Get them while you can. If you want a solid, USA built, safe heater, the Lakewood 5500 is the one to get-while you can find one. Note: The Lakewood 5600/7 is made in China, NOT the US.


Follow up to my post of 13 January. Out of desperation, I took the heater apart and determined that an electrical fuse-like thermal overload device had opened on the neutral side of the feed to the heating element thus rendering the unit non-working. This device is wrapped in a sheath around the underside of the heating element's electrical connections where the element enters the radiator's core. If the element exceeds the rated temperature it apparently 'blows' or electrically opens much like a fuse. The lights still come on but no electricity is getting to the element.

When I removed this from the circuit, the the unit began making heat. Apparently, when the heater is on full (both switches on for the full 1,500 watts) the core temperature gets too high. So, I now use my heater on only the 900 watt setting and it's putting out plenty of heat. Today's high is 2F and the room is comfortable.

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I've no doubt the manufacturer would not condone this modification and I have no intention of turning my modified heater back on 'HIGH.' Therefore I do not recommend doing this yourself unless you are competent in electrical and soldering work and are sure you won't overheat the unit. Having said that Lakewood clearly has either a design flaw or a bad batch of heater elements or overload protectors out there.

When I have time, I'm planning to send my defective protector back to them with a letter. But given that they never responded to my e-mail to their customer service don't expect much in the way of a reply. As they say on TV, don't try this at home. Answered on Dec 20, 2016. Here is your problem and yes it can be fixed.

More than likely your thermal cutoff tripped because your heater got too hot. Remove front support feet and screw underneath face plate will slide off. You will see the heating element, a white wire is coming out of it.

There is a white sleeve on the wire tucked up into the element. Pull the wire out and slide sleeve off to expose the thermal switch labeled (S.W.C. Sw-120t ect.) You can google it to learn more about the cutoff.

If you know how you can test the cutoff with a ammeter or voltmeter, If you don't google how to test electrical systems. Remember 'first do no harm' 4.

If you can replace the cutoff do so (this is the recommended way) b. If you don't want to replace it cut the cutoff out and solder the wires back together.

(be warned that this will bypass the safety system) If you do this be careful to not leave your radiator unattended. After soldering the wire, taping it will electrical tape. Replace face plate from step 1 and 2 and your heater will work. If your heater is still under warranty just contact lakewood. Answered on Jan 04, 2014.

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Lakewood 5500 Heater Manual
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