Vadakkke Koottala Narayanankutty Nair, commonly known as V.K.N. (6 April 1932 – 25 January 2004), was a famous Malayalam writer, noted mainly for his high-brow satire. He wrote novels, short stories and political commentaries. Iz 10 mln tonn vidhodiv v kraїni možna vyrobljaty 3,5 mln Gkal tepla ta 1170 mln kVt/god elektroenergiї v rik. Ce dozvolyť ščorično zamiščuvaty 700 mln m3 gazu. Gkal v kvt kaljkulyator. I.;Elektr energiyani ishlab chiqarish:; '- '; '- ' 1;O’zbekiston Respublikasi bo‘yicha;mlrd. KVts;62.8 1.1.;“O’zbekenergo” AJ bo‘yicha (IES va IEM);mlrd.
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