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KISI-KISI,SOAL DAN KUNCI JAWABAN ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER 1 TAHUN PELAJARAN 2017-2018 BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 5 1.1 Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam konteks kelas dan sekolah It’s Sunday Merespon dengan melakukan tindakan secara berlebihan 1-4 PJ 1-2 Isian 2.1 Bercakap-cakap untuk menyertai tindakan secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: memberi contoh melakukan sesuatu, memberi aba-aba, dan memberi petunjuk What time is it? Mengungkapkan tindak tutur memberi petunjuk 5-7 PJ 3-4 Isian Touch you Mengungkapkan tindak tutur memberi aba-aba 8-11 PJ 2.2 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi jasa/barang secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta bantuan, memberi bantuan, meminta barang, dan memberi barang Can I help you?
Mengungkapkan berbagai tindak tutur: Memberi bantuan 12-15 PJ 6-7 Isian 2.3 Bercakap-cakap untuk meminta/memberi informasi secara berterima yang melibatkan tindak tutur: mengenalkan diri, mengajak, meminta ijin, memberi ijin, menyetujui, tidak menyetujui, dan melarang Duan is my brother. Mengungkapkan tindak tutur mengenalkan diri dan orang lain dalam konteks daily activities 16-17 PJ 5 Isian Mengungkapkan tindak tutur mengenalkan diri 18-19 PJ 8 Isian 2.4 Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: Do you mind dan Shall we Do you mind? Mengungkapkan kesantunan secara berterima yang melibatkan ungkapan: Do you mind Shall we 20-21 PJ Memahami kalimat, pesan tertulis, dan teks dekriptif bergambar sangat sederhana secara tepat dan berterima Kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam kalimat-kalimat sangat sederhana 22-25 PJ 9 Isian Pesan tertulis sangat sederhana Mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam pesan tertulis sangat sederhana 25 PJ 10 Isian 1-5 Essay.
SOAL ULANGAN/PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (U/PAS) Tian: Today is Monday. What day is tomorrow, Adi? It is Wednesday c. It is Saturday It is Tuesday d.
It is Thursday Today is Friday. What day was yesterday? It is Thursday. It is Wednesday It is Sunday d. It is Saturday. Magdari: How many days are there in a week, Silvi?
Silviana: It is. Seven days six days d. Four days Mother:How many month are there in a year, Nina? Twelve month c. Seven month ten month d. Fifteen month Ananda:What time do you have lunch? It is nine o’clock am c.
It is ten o’clock pm It is Twelve o’clock am d. It is eleven o’clock pm Rahman: Do you take a rest at? Tono: Yes, I do half past eleven c. Half past nine half past eight d. Half past ten What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 8 am c. I go to bed at 12 pm I go to bed at 12 am d.
I go to bed at 9 pm Take the book, please! Touch the screen, please! What isRizal doing?
A.He is standing He is sitting b. He is jumping d. He is clapping What does mother do? Touch hair c. Touch hand b. Touch eye Fajar: Can I help you to take the book?
Sera: if you don’t mind. Yes, please c. No, I am not Yes, I am d. You are welcome A: What would youlike to drink B: I want a glass of,please!
Soup burger d. Milk Tono: I am hungry.
Do you mind if I have. Diva: Ok here you are coke c. Pizza juice d. Water Seller: Can I help you? Buyer: Yes, I need a coke and bread please. Buyer: No., Thank you Ok, here they are c. You are welcome Thank you d.
I need rice What do you do before going to school? I have lunch c. I cook I have breakfast d. I play game Budi: What does your sister do after having lunch? Wati: She always plays kite c.
Does his homework takes a bath d. Plays game Hello, I am Tito. I live in Jakarta. Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia. Jakarta has the biggest harbor, itis called TanjungPriok. Where does Tito live?
Jakarta TanjungPriok d. Big City What harbor is there in Jakarta? TanjungPriok c. Keong Mas Monument d.
Dufan Rani: I’m thirsty, do you mind if I have. Sinta: No, Here it is. Bread fried rice d. Fresh water Toni: Shall I take you a glass of orange juice?
You can not Let’s go. I’m sorry pillow – my – in – bedroom – is – there – a.
There right order is. There is a my pillow in bedroom c. There a pillow in my bedroom is there is a pillow in my bedroom d. A pillow in my bedroom there is door – picture – the – is – behind – the The good sentence is. The picture behind the door is c. The picture is behind the door the picture is door behind the d. Is behind the door the picture A: Does she like mathematic?
He does We do d. She does A: Where is your mother? She is cooking. She is in the kitchen c. He is in the garage She is in the bedroom d.