Engine Oil and Filter. Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting engine service life. Change the engine oil as specified in the maintenance (page 95).
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When running in very dusty conditions, oil changes should be performed more frequently than specified in the maintenance schedule. Please dispose of used engine oil in a manner that is compatible with the environment. We suggest you take it in a sealed container to your local recycling center or service station for reclamation. Do not throw it in the trash or pour it on the ground or down a drain. Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in contact with the skin for prolonged periods. Although this is unlikely unless you handle used oil on a daily basis, it is still advisable to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible after handling used oil.
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Changing the oil filter requires a special oil filter tool and torque wrench. If you do not have these tools and the necessary skill, we recommend that you have your Honda perform this service. If a torque wrench is not used for this installation, see your Honda dealer as soon as possible to verify proper assembly. Change the engine oil with the engine at normal operating temperature and the I motorcycle on its side stand to assure complete and rapid draining.
Hi, Purpl_hemi_4 the vast majority of service, parts, and owners manuals on the internet are 'FREE' to download and all service manuals contain wiring diagrams in the back pages. The rest usually charge a modest fee around $10 and there is a handful of obscure, rare, obsolete, and very old models that are no longer or never were available, for these rare occasions I shall look on eBay and find the cheapest one available. Most of the manuals will cover your exact make, model, and year otherwise one will be provided that comes as close as possible to your bike and will have most of the same info that an exact manual would have.
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