I use this code to check if outlook is the default mail client: Function IsOutlookIsDefaultEmailPrg:Boolean; var reg: TRegistry; key: string; begin Result:= False; with TRegistry.Create do TRY RootKey:= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if OpenKeyReadOnly('Software Clients Mail') then begin key:= Uppercase(ReadString(')); //default value end; result:= (Pos('MICROSOFT OUTLOOK',Key) > 0); FINALLY Free; END; end; it works in general, but on some pc's it has been reported not to work, I checked and the registry key was there. Is Pos case sensitive? Any idea why this cannot work at times? Any better suggestion? I see you are using the HKLM key to check the default client but this can be user depended, so you should really check the HKCU entry (and fall back to HKLM if HKCU does not have the entry). I also removed the With statement and used the ContainsText (include StrUtils unit) function instead of Pos: function IsOutlookTheDefaultEmailClient:Boolean; var Reg: TRegistry; begin Result:= False; Reg:= TRegistry.Create; try // first check HKCU Reg.RootKey:= HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software Clients Mail') then begin Result:= ContainsText(Reg.ReadString('), 'Microsoft Outlook'); Reg.CloseKey; end // fall back to HKLM else begin Reg.RootKey:= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; // this part is susceptible to registry virtualization and my need elevation! If Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software Clients Mail') then begin Result:= ContainsText(Reg.ReadString('), 'Microsoft Outlook'); Reg.CloseKey; end; end; finally Reg.Free; end; end; EDIT The only time this code can fail is when comes into play.
This is typical in UAC scenarios. Please check on a failing computer if this key exists in regedit: HKCU Software Classes VirtualStore MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail if that is the case, your application will read this key and not the real HKLM key. The only solution is request elevation or run your application as administrator. This is my understanding of the issues: • The Pos function is case-sensitive.
So if the value is Microsoft Outlook then your test will not find it. You should instead use. Not only does that do what you want, but it is much more readable than Pos()>0. • The in HKCU Software Clients Mail. If no default mail client is found there, then it checks in HKLM Software Clients Mail. You should do likewise. • On Windows 7 and later, both HKCU Software Clients and HKLM Software Clients Mail are.
You may receive this error whilst using the Skype for Business client: To resolve. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Clients Mail Outlook64Bridge DLLPath. NB - Editing the Registry can cause irreversible damage to your computer. Obrazec harakteristiki na sportsmen ot trenera. Apr 26, 2012 - In Registry Editor, locate the following subkey in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Clients Mail Microsoft Outlook.
On earlier versions of Windows they are. There is potential for errors there. You should use KEY_WOW64_64KEY to access the 64 bit view of the registry.
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