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ANALYSIS/OPINION: We’re not any longer talking about abortion, the issue that has bitterly divided us for decades. Now we’re talking about the step beyond interfering with the process of creating a human life. We’re talking about “murder,” perhaps the ugliest word in the language.


Anything said about abortion is controversial in the present (and perhaps permanent) atmosphere. It’s the match struck in a gasoline refinery. Such carnage wrought would be an accident, horrific and deadly. But only manslaughter, not planned and premeditated murder. This week, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates, one Kathy Tran, a Democrat from Fairfax County, introduced a prospective law that would permit abortions through all 40 weeks of a human pregnancy, up to and including the moment of birth and a physician’s slap across the baby’s bottom.

And, incredibly, perhaps even beyond that. Bloc party another weekend in the city download game. This has set off a revival of the rage over abortion and demonstrates just how far the abortion lobby has expanded the Roe v. Wade definition of what the U.S. Supreme Court said was a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion. Slippery slope, indeed. Within hours the renewal of the debate moved from the Virginia Legislature to the U.S.

Senate, where Sen. Ben Sasse, a Republican from Nebraska, asked the senators to approve his Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would presumably prevent infants from being born alive and having to pay the ultimate price for it. Tran’s colleagues heard the text of the proposed legislation, some of them were astonished by what they thought they had heard. “Where it is obvious a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth,” asked Del. Todd Gilbert, “would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she were so certified? She’s dilating.”. Tran: “My bill would allow that.” If that were not explosive enough, Ralph Northam, the Democratic governor who was eager to reassure feminists who regard abortion as a holy rite of female passage, leaped to defend the legislation in an interview with Washington’s Radio Station WTOP.

“If a mother is in labor,” the governor explained with the precision of a licensed medical doctor of neurology, “I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. Rtl ski jumping 2007 free download.

The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician and the mother.” That’s when hell holy hell, one might say broke loose. Northam invoked the old standby of someone caught running his mouth without a governor on his tongue, saying his remark was “taken out of context,” and attacked the motives of everyone outraged. Politicians with and without convictions should be more careful with the language. The governor’s remark was plain enough for everyone, and the context was clear enough. The governor was not talking about a fetus, but a new human being, with all the constitutional, ethical and moral rights of everybody else, even a governor.

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